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Using a Boric Acid Suppository is a safe way to relieve the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis and yeast infections. This treatment can also help clear up lingering infections.

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Vaginal suppository boric acid  is a natural compound that is found in volcanic areas of North America and Europe. It has been used as an antiseptic for over a hundred years. Using boric acid in a vaginal suppository can be effective for treating yeast infections, bacterial vaginosis, and external vaginal burns.

Although boric acid is considered safe, there are still side effects to be aware of. Some women experience discomfort, irritation, and even diarrhea when using boric acid. It is best to consult with a health care professional before using this treatment.

Boric Acid Suppositories can be purchased over the counter from your local pharmacy. They are available in powder or crystal forms. These products are not approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), so it is important to talk to your health care provider about your options.

Unlike antibiotics and other topical treatments, boric acid suppositories do not prevent the spread of infection. They do however, treat current infections. If you have recurrent yeast infections, your health care provider may recommend using boric acid capsules at bedtime twice a week for fourteen days.

Some women use boric acid suppositories along with topical antifungal creams to treat recurrent yeast infections. Studies show that using boric acid can improve symptoms by as much as 70 percent.


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