Insulation Contractors
Mile High Centennial Insulation are professional business people who focus on insulating commercial buildings and residential homes. They typically coordinate with construction contractors and architects to satisfy building standards and requirements. These businesses may specialize in a certain region or type of insulation, such as soundproofing batting or spray foam. They can also provide information about energy saving programs and rebates available from local utility companies.
What is insulation work?
Many insulation contractors are self-employed, operating their own company with one or two workers. They are responsible for all aspects of the business, including marketing and selling. This set up can lead to high quality work but it can be difficult to schedule jobs and meet deadlines as the contractor is pulled in multiple directions. Other insulation contractors are part of a large corporation with multiple divisions and departments. These can offer more consistency, but they can also lack the personal touch and attention to detail that an owner-operator can provide.
If a homeowner decides to hire an insulation contractor for home insulation, it is important to get several quotes and to check online reviews. It is also recommended that the homeowner contact past clients and ask for a list of referrals.
In addition to checking online reviews, homeowners should also make sure that their potential insulation contractor has adequate insurance coverage and proof of worker’s compensation. If the contractor offers a guarantee on their work, this should be noted in the contract as well.