The ISO 9001 certification system stipulates quality management principles that, when complied with by an organization, produce quality goods and services. This standard is a tool for establishing quality control and gaining confidence from potential consumers that the product they buy will be made to the expected standards. A number of organizations use iso 9001 as part of their Quality Management Systems.URL:
According to the International Organization for Standardization, “The ISO 9000 family of quality management systems standards helps organizations ensure they meet customer and other stakeholder needs within statutory and regulatory requirements related to a product or service.” There are a variety of resources available for companies seeking to become iso 9001 certified. Some are free, while others are costly. In general, the more a company can do on its own to meet the requirements of the iso 9001 standard, the less it will cost.
ISO 9001 Certification: What to Expect During the Registration Process
Some of the basic requirements in an ISO 9001 quality management system include documented policies, procedures work instructions, and a document control system. The ISO 9001 standard also requires that all employees be trained in these practices. In addition, senior management must be involved in the monitoring and control of quality.
One of the major differences between the ISO 9001:2008 and 2015 standards is that the latter version no longer specifies that a compliant organization must create a formal Quality Manual. In general, the new standard is more flexible and tailored to each individual organization.