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There are a lot of choices when it comes to Maxmind IP location database databases. Some are free and others are quite expensive. Some API providers also charge a monthly fee. The cost of using one can be justified if the solution is used for a critical application, such as DRM online to protect content that is licenced for specific regions, and prevent the risk of running afoul of studio licencing restrictions which would result in massive fines.

Maxmind is a provider of geolocation database data and technology for internet users. They provide companies with a way to identify the country, region, city, zip/postal code and other intelligence such as ISP, anonymizer type, connection speed, mobile carrier and more. They also offer minFraud, a fraud detection service that can be integrated into an application.

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The Maxmind geoIP processor performs a lookup for an input field that is passed an IPv4 or IPv6 address. You can specify which of the available MaxMind GeoIP2 database files to use, and the return information that you want to get back.

The input field to use can be either an Integer or String data type. The output field must be named and the value that you want to return. You can set the error handling for the processor to send an error if the database fails, or to replace with nulls if the value is not returned. Alternatively, you can set the processor to not return any values, or to only return values that are included in the selected database.


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